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Welcome to Bambino Preschool, an international preschool in Jakarta. We see each child as a unique individual with his or her own potential. Bambino as a school aims to provide learning opportunities for children to grow at their own pace.  With the help of dedicated, experienced and passionate educators, the children are guided through our Comprehensive Curriculum which is inspired by Montessori, Waldorf and Reggio Emilia approaches.  Children are encouraged to participate in meaningful play, project-based learning and core academic activities which we consider as all essential to develop a well-rounded child with a lifelong love of learning. 


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I can see my daughter developing very good and she is getting very smart, it's a good work of Bambino Preschool. Actually as an expat I travelling a lot going to a lot of countries a lot of schools and I can say that Bambino Preschool is one of the best I've been so far.

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After attending school at Bambino Preschool, my child has experienced a lot of development. Fyi previously my child had speech delay and was undergoing therapy, but currently after joined the Bambino Preschool there are many developments, especially in soft skills and speech. Thanks Bambino Preschool for the guidance.

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Bilal & Bushra

Bambino Preschool is welcoming to all nationalities, focus to works with the children, and the building and classrooms structure of Bambino it's very good. Especially for our child, she has been able to pick up so many things, not only academic but also in the group and social level. Individual attention that are giving to all the students by the teachears that is amazing. The biggest achievement thus teaching well the manners, learning process and the interest in completing the homework I think that is the best thing. My daughter so happy in here that she doesn't want to go anywhere else. So if someone asked me which is the best preschool? I will always recommend Bambino Preschool.


different from other schools?

Multicultural school community.
We have different students from different nationalities. Currently, we do have more than 20 nationalities of our students, namely Indonesian, Japanese, Lebanese, Indian, Australian, Korean, American, Singaporean, Netherland, Pakistani, Malaysian etc.

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